I have a RevPi core ,the system version is jessie.
I was trying to install a software framework called Eurotech Software Framework, which has a rpm package for raspberry Pi.
but the framework has a web page,and it is supposed to use the local IP, port 80, the same IP and port as the RevPi login page.
when I use the browser to access the IP, I can only go to RevPi login page, but not the Framework login Page.
Are there any ways to change the web login page to the software framework provided?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's a Framework for Gateways and also could work on raspberry Pi. I think I installed it and some dependencies properly according the following commands:
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sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk rpm bind9 dos2unix ethtool hostapd isc-dhcp-server iw telnet unzip wireless-tools
sudo rpm -ivh --nodeps esf-raspberry-pi-2-6.1.0-1.noarch.rpm