Rev Pi as datalogger - node-red

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Rev Pi as datalogger - node-red

Post by kartheek »


I am using the Rev Pi as a datalogger. I am only using node-red application and doing an ftp to send my data over internet. But i am not able to save some backup files in the internal memory of the Pi. The Rev Pi is running at 94% used memory. A small update is taking it to 98% and stopping node-red.

Can anyone please suggest any packages that i an uninstall or remove any files which will increase my free memory.
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Re: Rev Pi as datalogger - node-red

Post by login721 »

I removed geany,python-pygame,python-sense-*,teamviewer-revpi,oracle-java8-jdk and vnc(i don't remember the exact name of vnc package).I have around 1GB free after installed nodred.
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Re: Rev Pi as datalogger - node-red

Post by dirk »

Hi kartheek, just remember that the RevPi eMMC has not unlimited write cycles so maybe you just use an external storage like USB or the cloud. The best way to gather as much space as possible is to build your own minimal image. Just have a look at the ImageBakery GitHUB repository.
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Re: Rev Pi as datalogger - node-red

Post by KoenW »

Just a tip on using an external USB for datalogging. We noticed that sometimes the USB file system fails on startup if the Pi wasn't shut down properly.

We then have to go in, unmount the USB, do a fcheck on the USB and remount it or reboot.
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