Hi there
I am new to both the Rev Pi and all things Linux.
All started well, I did sudo apt-get update then install rev-pi firmware then I loaded Mosquitto, sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-client
All well so far
I then wanted to fix the IP address to a static IP address
I did this:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
interface eth0
static ip_address=
iface eth0 inet manual
and then saved the config
I have lost the Rev Pi !!
The IP address is not and it is not being assigned an IP address automatically either.
How can I reset the device to factory default with the USB cable as I cannot connect via the Ethernet port?
I have installed the jessy image 2017-09-22-revpi-jessie.img via USB and Win32 Disk Imager hoping that this would work but I still cannot see the device
Lost the IP address
Okay you flashed the Jessie image. Please have in mind that according to your device (Core 1,3,Connect) you have different images that are compatible - here is the overview: https://revolution.kunbus.com/tutorials/images/
So if you have a RevPi Core 1 you have flashed the right image. After flashing a new image the device is again in DHCP mode and has the hostname "RevPi" with a MAC address that comes from the RaspberryPi foundation.
Just scan your network with Advanced IP Scanner and you'll find the device quickly. Then login with "pi" password "raspberry" (german keymap) and you'll be asked for Serial Number that is printed on the front , i.e. 1234 and MAC address. Then reboot and you have set the device to factory defaults.
Now comes the tricky part the static IP address. Have a look at the Tutorial 07 – Static IP Adress. If you cannot find the device in the network again use a HDMI monitor and a USB keyboard to connect to the console for debugging. Have a look at the "/etc/dhcpcd.conf" there is an example for DHCP in case static ip is not possible. I here always use a software DHCP server to connect direct to my PC for testing purposes: I wish you success.
So if you have a RevPi Core 1 you have flashed the right image. After flashing a new image the device is again in DHCP mode and has the hostname "RevPi" with a MAC address that comes from the RaspberryPi foundation.
Just scan your network with Advanced IP Scanner and you'll find the device quickly. Then login with "pi" password "raspberry" (german keymap) and you'll be asked for Serial Number that is printed on the front , i.e. 1234 and MAC address. Then reboot and you have set the device to factory defaults.
Now comes the tricky part the static IP address. Have a look at the Tutorial 07 – Static IP Adress. If you cannot find the device in the network again use a HDMI monitor and a USB keyboard to connect to the console for debugging. Have a look at the "/etc/dhcpcd.conf" there is an example for DHCP in case static ip is not possible. I here always use a software DHCP server to connect direct to my PC for testing purposes: I wish you success.
The device is a RevPi Core 3 and I have loaded this image:
Using a micro HDMI, monitor and keyboard I have watched the device boot up and then asks for a RevPi login (which I entered pi) then password (which I entered raspberry) but it states "Login incorrect"
I have tried the shell password off the side of the device and this does not work either?
Shall I load the image again?
The device is a RevPi Core 3 and I have loaded this image:
Using a micro HDMI, monitor and keyboard I have watched the device boot up and then asks for a RevPi login (which I entered pi) then password (which I entered raspberry) but it states "Login incorrect"
I have tried the shell password off the side of the device and this does not work either?
Shall I load the image again?
Hi just try "raspberrz" on the login (German keymap) But if you have a RevPi Core 3 I prefer you to use the newer Stretch image from the shop.