three different questions in one thread concerning the RevPi Core 3, which runs a logiCAD-controll program:
Is it possible to connect a monitor to the RevPi (e.g. via the micro HDMI plug) and create a graphical user interface with logiCAD3 on it?
Background infos:
My constraint is to use logiCAD3 (or any other structured text tool) AND I want to provide a GUI. As for now, I use a RasbPi for the GUI, which receives and sends variables from and to the RevPi via a Ethernet-connection and revpimodio2. But only the RevPi is IEC 61131-2 conform, the RasbPi is not. My application is to run outdoors (-20°C to +40°C).
So I think a far more elegant way would be to only use the RevPi to complete both the control tasks and the GUI simultaneously. - How can I realise a TCP/IP communication with a Beckhoff PLC and my RevPi in logiCAD? I have little to no experience in serial communication with protocols such as ethernet. Maybe this questions belong more to logicals, but Kunbus is also a communication specialist, so maybe someone can help.
Background infos:
My application is to amend a existing machine which is controlled by a Beckhoff PLC. Only when the Beckhoff PLC sends a signal to the RevPi, certain actions should be executed. It is not an option to use only one PLC to control both machines. - Is it valid to say that programming in ST with logiCAD has security advantages over programming in python? I know this sounds a bit stupid as the program can only be as "secure" or "safe" as the manually programmed logic is able to handle errors and eventualities. But I wonder why so many industrial PCs and PLCs stick to ST or ladder logic etc. and do not use python, C++ or similar.