RevPi Connect

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RevPi Connect

Post by Bruem »

I am just getting started trying to integrate the new RevPi connect into some existing control systems that have a few modbus rtu slave devices. I have the connect communicating through VNC and set up no problem. I was getting ready to go through the Modbus-Jessie tutorial. My problem is I am unfamiliar with your rs-485 pin naming convention. I can recognize one of the symbols as ground, one as (maybe) shield, then N and P. I was hoping that these would be labeled a,b, V+, gnd. I have not been able to find any mention of that particular naming scheme in any of the rs-485 standards manuals (so far). Any clarification on this would be much appreciated.
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RevPi Connect RS485 interface

Post by dirk »

Hello, sorry for the missing information, we will add this in our online documentation. So here is the information you need: from top to down the signal lines on the RS485 plug are
  1. functional ground
  2. ground
  3. B (negative, N or D-)
  4. A (positive, P or D+)
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