If you use ACL Level 0 in your aclplcslave.conf and connect without monitoing=True THAN the RuntimeWarnings occur (could reproduce it)!
The problem is: the error message
If you use RevPiNetIO without monitoring=True, than the module wants write permission for the process image! But the backend (revpipyload) checks the ACL which say 0 (read only) and the connection is disconnected. Now RevPiNetIO should not float RuntimeWarnings, but tells you "write access to the process image is not permitted - use monitoring=True or check aclplcslave.conf on RevPi and reload revpipyload!".
1) I just want to leave autorefresh=True for debugging to prevent float RuntimeWarnings. You should use it now with the monitoring=True and your system will work! Including showing the right value for A1 (If you do not use autorefresh=True, you have to .readprocimg() each time to sync the process image. If you don't, the value of A1 will never change)
Code: Select all
import revpimodio2
rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiNetIO("", autorefresh=True, monitoring=True)
# There should be no RuntimeWarnings now!
2) Leave logiCAD disabled. If you change the ACL value for 169.254.*.*,0 to 169.254.*.*,1 via shell and not RevPiPyControl, you have to reload the configuration on the RevPi!
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl reload revpipyload
Code: Select all
import revpimodio2
rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiNetIO("", autorefresh=True)
rpi.core.A1 = revpimodio2.GREEN
rpi.core.A1 = revpimodio2.RED
rpi.core.A1 = revpimodio2.OFF
# There should be no RuntimeWarnings now!
Please check log file /var/log/revpipyload for errors.
I fixed this problems. It would be very nice if you have some time to test the new version of RevPiModIO 2.2.3 on your RaspberryPi and RevPiPyLoad 0.6.8 on your RevolutionPi
You have to download an install the packages via dpkg -i by hand, they are not in the repositories right now!
I hope the problem is solved now!
Regards, Sven