Home Automation software

Topics about the Software of Revolution Pi
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Home Automation software

Post by KBang »


I am thinking about using a RevPi in a home automation setup. Can you give me bit of details about the SSD eg how much space does the OS take and how much is available? Can OpenHab or Home Assistant fit on it? Have you tried it? As a slightly other topic have you tried running Docker/Kubernetes with containers on it? What is your experience in that area?

Your product looks very nice and I strongly belive in your open source approach!

K. Bang, Denmark
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Re: Home Automation software

Post by dirk »

Hi K .Bang,
the RevPi uses no SSD. Instead there is a Compute Module with a 4GB eMMC flash available.
By default there is about 1.1GB free space available.
We have used OpenHab once for a project so yes this is possible. (You may read about it here)
I cannot tell you weather HomeAssistant will run but you may just try it first on a RaspberryPi for a few bugs...
We do not use Docker/Kubernetes and have no experience on that topic. But I'm shure that you may find
others in the community to support you with your questions.
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Joined: 27 Feb 2018, 15:47

Re: Home Automation software

Post by jenskastensson »


I can confirm that the revPI is an excellent piece of hardware and is well suited for home automation!

The reason I know this is we've chosen the revPI to host our Home Automation software realKNX v2 : https://proknx.com/en/product/realknx-en/

Here are some reviews : https://knx-user-forum.de/forum/%C3%B6f ... -erfahrung

Disk usage I removed a some of of the preinstalled sw that was not needed, after installing realKNX (which incl. NodeJS, Webmin, Node-RED, Java, OpenHab and more)
resource usage is as in the screenshot:
I haven't (yet) tried Docker on revPI

Jens Kastensson, CTO @ ProKNX
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