Instructions for Installing Jessie from a Linux Host

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Instructions for Installing Jessie from a Linux Host

Post by KarlZeilhofer »

I hope this isn't a duplicate of an instruction, which I didn't find:

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Update to Jessi from a Linux Machine
Tested on a Linux Mint 18.1

Get and compile rpiboot from the Raspberry Pi Foundation:
> git clone --depth=1
	Cloning into 'usbboot'...
> cd usbboot
> sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev
> make
> sudo ./rpiboot
	This waits for the Compute Module
	Connect your RevPi with the USB cable to the micro USB connector and power it up. 
	This mounts now a new device under /dev/sdX

Create a backup of your RevPi (assuming RevPi is on /dev/sdc, check this with lsblk)
> sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdc | pv | sudo dd of=backup.img

download the jessie image from the kunbus shop

extract the zip file

Check the MD5 sum:
> md5sum 2017-09-22-revpi-jessie.img

Write the new Jessie image to the RevPi:
> sudo dd bs=4M if=2017-09-22-revpi-jessie.img | pv | sudo dd of=/dev/sdc
	wait for 31:18 minutes (2.1 MB/s)

disconnect the USB cable
turn RevPi power off and on again, wait...

> sudo nmap -sP 10.0.0.*
	assuming your local subnet is
	this lists all network devices, which should find also the RevPi

> ssh pi@

enter serialnumber and mac address and repower your RevPi
search for it on the LAN again:
> sudo nmap -sP 10.0.0.*
> ssh pi@

for restoring programs and settings proceed with instructions from

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Re: Instructions for Installing Jessie from a Linux Host

Post by bftrock »

I wasn't able to find the git repository at that URL, or in GitHub using the search tool. Could somebody please clarify the location of this tool?

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Re: Instructions for Installing Jessie from a Linux Host

Post by lukas »

Hi Brendan,

the URL as given above in Karl's post is correct, however for some reason the resulting git message "Cloning into 'usbboot'... " was pasted immediately behind the URL, so if you copy-pasted that to the command line it's not surprising at all that it didn't work. I've just taken the liberty to edit Karl's post and insert a line break between the URL and the git message.
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