Teamviewer connection failed

Topics about TeamViewer-RevPi
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Teamviewer connection failed

Post by pincia »


I'm trying to set up the teamviewer connection on my raspi but I always get refused.
I'm trying to connect from a Windows 10 Machine. I tried both TV 11 and TV12 clients.

the REVPI is online

Code: Select all

teamviewer-revpi info
TeamViewer Id: **********
Remote Assignment Key: ca***
Status: Online
and here's some lines from the logfile

Code: Select all

2018/01/23 17:45:29.117 18744 1914696784     CarrierReconnectLogic[3]::StartReconnectAsClientInternal: TCP connect successful
2018/01/23 17:45:29.173 18744 1914696784     TcpCarrier[3]::ProcessReconnectToSessionAnswer(): Reconnect was successful with client 496719720. Sen
dQueueEmpty: 1
2018/01/23 17:45:29.173 18744 1914696784     TcpCarrierBase[3]::ResendSendCache(): SendCacheSize 0 (0 Bytes) [0,0]
2018/01/23 17:45:51.088 18744 1923085392     Activating Router carrier
2018/01/23 17:45:51.088 18744 1923085392     CommandHandlerRouting[9]::CreatePassiveSession(): incoming session via, pr
otocol Tcp
2018/01/23 17:45:51.312 18744 1933571152     ConnectionGuard: incoming remote control in sessions: 77777(1)
2018/01/23 17:45:51.313 18744 1941959760     [Beehive] SessionManagerBeehive: Connection incoming, sessionID = 1700805703
2018/01/23 17:45:51.313 18744 1887433808     CLogin::run()
2018/01/23 17:45:51.313 18744 1887433808     CLogin::NegotiateVersionServer()
2018/01/23 17:45:51.314 18744 1933571152     LegacyDataCmdSender[9]::SendAllData(): encryption not ready!
2018/01/23 17:45:51.407 18744 1933571152     Negotiating session encryption: client hello received from 68****1*6, RSA key length = 2048
2018/01/23 17:45:51.407 18744 1933571152     Negotiating session encryption: client hello received from 6*******6, RSA key length = 2048
2018/01/23 17:45:51.488 18744 1933571152     Negotiating session encryption: server hello sent
2018/01/23 17:45:51.638 18744 1914696784     Negotiating session encryption: client handshake received
2018/01/23 17:45:51.638 18744 1914696784     Negotiating session encryption: client handshake received
2018/01/23 17:45:51.767 18744 1923085392     Negotiating session encryption: server handshake sent, encryption established with AES key length 256
2018/01/23 17:45:51.856 18744 1887433808     CLoginServer::CheckIfConnectionIsAllowed()
2018/01/23 17:45:51.857 18744 1887433808     LoginServer::runServer: using condition set: {}
2018/01/23 17:45:51.857 18744 1887433808     CLoginServer::AuthenticateServer()
2018/01/23 17:45:51.975 18744 1941959760     IProcessCommandHandler[9]::CmdEndSession(): Received CMD_ENDSESSION with reason: 26
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1887433808  !! CLogin::RunAuthenticationMethod(): reading inCmd failed, cancelling authentication
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1914696784     ConnectionGuard: no restrictions
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1887433808     CLoginServer::runServer: AuthenticateServer failed, result=0
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1887433808     CLogin::run() leave
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1887433808     weakJoin - thread {Not-any-thread} has succesfully detached itself
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1914696784     CGatewaySession[9]::EndSession(): Session to 682269156 ended. Estimated capacity=0kBit/s, Latency=0ms
2018/01/23 17:45:52.013 18744 1914696784     CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=37
Do you have any solutions?

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Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by volker »

TV RevPi is not working like on your PC: It does not send the HDMI Monitor content to the TV client. But it opens a browser window on your TV client and shows the webserver output of the RevPi built in webserver. This is the reason why it needs the actual client version of TV. Older versions do not have the ability to open the browser window and show the webserver content. Please upgrade to TV13 and it should work.
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
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Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by pincia »

Thank you for the answer.
I installed TV 13 but I always get same errors..
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Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by volker »

in this case we need to get TV support involved...
I need to shift this topic to the correct forum "teamViewer" because they do read only there...
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
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Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by pincia »

Ok thanks
Official 3rd Party Support
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Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by Veit »

Hey Federico,

my name is Veit and I work for TeamViewer. Just for clarification, you assigned the RevPi to your TeamViewer account? The teamviewer-info output that you posted shows the Remote Assignment Key and that means the RevPi is not assigned. Without an assignment, a connection will be rejected.
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Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by pincia »

Hi Veit,

I didn't assign the RevPi to my account.
I just did it now, but the connection was refused again..

This is the log from RevPI:

Code: Select all

2018/01/24 15:03:03.239  6667 1916793936     ConnectionGuard: incoming remote control in sessions: 77777(1)
2018/01/24 15:03:03.239  6667 1925182544     [Beehive] SessionManagerBeehive: Connection incoming, sessionID = -1215967409
2018/01/24 15:03:03.240  6667 1889530960     CLogin::run()
2018/01/24 15:03:03.240  6667 1889530960     CLogin::NegotiateVersionServer()
2018/01/24 15:03:03.241  6667 1933571152     LegacyDataCmdSender[5]::SendAllData(): encryption not ready!
2018/01/24 15:03:03.439  6667 1916793936     Negotiating session encryption: client hello received from 682269156, RSA key length = 2048
2018/01/24 15:03:03.440  6667 1916793936     Negotiating session encryption: client hello received from 682269156, RSA key length = 2048
2018/01/24 15:03:03.526  6667 1933571152     Negotiating session encryption: server hello sent
2018/01/24 15:03:03.751  6667 1916793936     Negotiating session encryption: client handshake received
2018/01/24 15:03:03.751  6667 1916793936     Negotiating session encryption: client handshake received
2018/01/24 15:03:03.822  6667 1916793936     Negotiating session encryption: server handshake sent, encryption established with AES key length 256
2018/01/24 15:03:04.137  6667 1889530960     CLoginServer::CheckIfConnectionIsAllowed()
2018/01/24 15:03:04.137  6667 1889530960     LoginServer::runServer: using condition set: {}
2018/01/24 15:03:04.138  6667 1889530960     CLoginServer::AuthenticateServer()
2018/01/24 15:03:04.414  6667 1925182544     IProcessCommandHandler[5]::CmdEndSession(): Received CMD_ENDSESSION with reason: 26
2018/01/24 15:03:04.499  6667 1933571152     ConnectionGuard: no restrictions
2018/01/24 15:03:04.499  6667 1889530960  !! CLogin::RunAuthenticationMethod(): reading inCmd failed, cancelling authentication
2018/01/24 15:03:04.499  6667 1933571152     CGatewaySession[5]::EndSession(): Session to 682269156 ended. Estimated capacity=0kBit/s, Latency=0ms
2018/01/24 15:03:04.499  6667 1889530960     CLoginServer::runServer: AuthenticateServer failed, result=0
2018/01/24 15:03:04.499  6667 1889530960     CLogin::run() leave
2018/01/24 15:03:04.499  6667 1933571152     CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=37
2018/01/24 15:03:04.500  6667 1889530960     weakJoin - thread {Not-any-thread} has succesfully detached itself

And this is the log from my PC TV Client:

Code: Select all

2018/01/24 15:10:52.783 14604  7660 G1   Trying connection to 2018092679, mode = 1
2018/01/24 15:10:52.798  4736  6236 S0   Activating Router carrier
2018/01/24 15:10:52.798  4736  6236 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[21]::CreateMasterConnect():, Connection 30, proxy=''
2018/01/24 15:10:52.959  4736  6232 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[21]::HandleMasterConnect(): Sending MasterCommand client=TV&connectionmode=1&f=RequestRoute2&homeserver=&ic=1392018682&id=682269156&id1=682269156&id2=2018092679&mid=vc789064597e6e611b75340b03494831130e37aa3bc130eb13e66cdb473a3556eb3890f727536<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006&midv=2&v=13.0.6447 
2018/01/24 15:10:53.116  4736  6228 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[21]::ReceivedMasterResponse(): Received MasterCommand CONNECT@;2147483647:1280000;4:640000_2011168639_2011168639_server21905.teamviewer.com_f//fd8g/GP8L_f//fd8g/GP8L
2018/01/24 15:10:53.117  4736  6228 S0!  TcpCarrierBase[21]::SendCompleteQueue(): No Connections, Type_Tcp, Dir_Outgoing, Ending 0, SendQueue 1, CurrentSendQueue 0, SendCache 0
2018/01/24 15:10:53.117  4736  6228 S0   Activating Router carrier
2018/01/24 15:10:53.117  4736  6228 S0   CommandHandlerRouting[22]::CreateActiveSession(): outgoing session to 2018092679 via, protocol Tcp
2018/01/24 15:10:53.118  4736  6232 S0   Carrier[21]::EndCarrierInternal(): ClientID: 0 SupportsEndSession: 0, SupportsCCmd2: 0, SessionType_MasterConnect, SendQueue: 0 (4 Bytes), CurrentSendQueue: 0 (0 Bytes), SendCache: 0 (0 Bytes)
2018/01/24 15:10:53.753  4736  6228 S0   Negotiating session encryption: server hello received
2018/01/24 15:10:53.935 14604  8008 G1   LoginOutgoing: Terminated by client
2018/01/24 15:10:54.161  4736  6232 S0!  Carrier[22]::EndCarrierInternal: Discarded 11 commands, ClientID 2018092679, ShutdownGracefully 1, SessionType_RoutingSession
2018/01/24 15:10:54.161  4736  6232 S0   CGatewaySession[22]::EndSession(): Session to 2018092679 ended. Estimated capacity=0kBit/s, Latency=0ms
2018/01/24 15:10:54.162  4736  6232 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=91
2018/01/24 15:10:54.162  4736  6232 S0   UDP: create udp connection was not successful: UdpHolePuncher shutting down: (*)
2018/01/24 15:10:54.163  4736  6232 S0!  RemoteSession[22]::AddRequestedCarrier(): request carrier UdpToPartner failed!
2018/01/24 15:10:55.360 14604  7660 G1   Trying connection to 2018092679, mode = 1
2018/01/24 15:10:55.415  4736  6228 S0   Activating Router carrier
2018/01/24 15:10:55.415  4736  6228 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[23]::CreateMasterConnect():, Connection 33, proxy=''
2018/01/24 15:10:55.464  4736  6228 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[23]::HandleMasterConnect(): Sending MasterCommand client=TV&connectionmode=1&f=RequestRoute2&homeserver=&ic=1392018682&id=682269156&id1=682269156&id2=2018092679&mid=vc789064597e6e611b75340b03494831130e37aa3bc130eb13e66cdb473a3556eb3890f727536<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006&midv=2&v=13.0.6447 
2018/01/24 15:10:55.541  4736  6228 S0   CProcessCommandHandlerMasterConnect[23]::ReceivedMasterResponse(): Received MasterCommand CONNECT@;2147483647:1280000;4:640000_2011168639_2011168639_server20409.teamviewer.com_f//fd8g/GP8L_f//fd8g/GP8L
2018/01/24 15:10:55.541  4736  6228 S0!  TcpCarrierBase[23]::SendCompleteQueue(): No Connections, Type_Tcp, Dir_Outgoing, Ending 0, SendQueue 1, CurrentSendQueue 0, SendCache 0
2018/01/24 15:10:55.541  4736  6228 S0   Activating Router carrier
2018/01/24 15:10:55.542  4736  6228 S0   CommandHandlerRouting[24]::CreateActiveSession(): outgoing session to 2018092679 via, protocol Tcp
2018/01/24 15:10:55.542  4736  6236 S0   Carrier[23]::EndCarrierInternal(): ClientID: 0 SupportsEndSession: 0, SupportsCCmd2: 0, SessionType_MasterConnect, SendQueue: 0 (4 Bytes), CurrentSendQueue: 0 (0 Bytes), SendCache: 0 (0 Bytes)
2018/01/24 15:10:56.050  4736  6240 S0   Negotiating session encryption: server hello received
2018/01/24 15:10:56.307  4736  6228 S0   Negotiating session encryption: server handshake received, encryption established with AES key length 256
2018/01/24 15:10:56.311 14604 15684 G1   CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient()
2018/01/24 15:10:56.476 14604 11772 G1   LoginOutgoing: starting authentication
2018/01/24 15:10:56.534 14604 15684 G1   LoginOutgoing: authentication rejected
2018/01/24 15:10:56.614  4736  6240 S0   CGatewaySession[24]::EndSession(): Session to 2018092679 ended. Estimated capacity=0kBit/s, Latency=0ms
2018/01/24 15:10:56.615  4736  6240 S0   CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=91
2018/01/24 15:10:56.615  4736  6240 S0   UDP: create udp connection was not successful: UdpHolePuncher shutting down: (*)
2018/01/24 15:10:56.615  4736  6240 S0!  RemoteSession[24]::AddRequestedCarrier(): request carrier UdpToPartner failed!
2018/01/24 15:10:59.163  4736  6232 S0!! SessionControl::SessionCloseTimedOut: Session 1352878402 wasn't closed in time!
PS The RevPi result on-line
Official 3rd Party Support
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Joined: 09 May 2017, 19:40

Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by Veit »

Ok, the PC logfile shows "Authentication rejected". I assume you created the Assignment like it is described in the tutorial ( ... tallieren/). Is that correct?
Official 3rd Party Support
Posts: 5
Joined: 09 May 2017, 19:40

Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by Veit »

Sorry :( that was the German version. Herr is the English one ... rect=en_US
Posts: 6
Joined: 23 Jan 2018, 17:40

Re: Teamviewer connction failed

Post by pincia »

I solved the problem.
I did a mistake, the problem was that I didn't assign to any account.
Now It works!
I was only just a bit disappointed after understanding that I can only control the web configuration pagesof the RevPi.
So I can't use it for any kind of remote assistance.

Thank you, Veit
I apologize for the time you lost

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