RevPi Bookworm OS release!

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RevPi Bookworm OS release!

Post by nicolaiB »

Dear community!

It is time to announce the completion of our new Revolution Pi Bookworm image! It should be emphasized that this image is the first to use Debian Bookworm as its base, rather than a Raspi OS image as in the past. Of course, we have also installed selected packages from the Raspi OS in our image and have provided the sources as well. This naturally allows you to install any packages you want.

Important to know: The images are only available as 64-bit versions and run on all our devices starting from Core 3 / Connect (+) / Compact / Flat. (Excluded RevPi Core first variant, same as with Bullseye).

For the web-based configuration, we have pre-installed Cockpit for you. So that it is now possible for the first time to handle updates, network settings, logs, and much more directly through the web interface. Even a terminal is integrated there. This, of course, also offers you all the familiar configuration options for the Revolution Pi itself in the "RevPi Configuration" menu item.

If you want to use Node-RED, you can now simply install the "lite" image and install Node-RED into the image via Cockpit or by using sudo apt install revpi-nodered. This offers you the headless mode for Node-RED for the first time.

All new features, updates, and changes can be found in our release notes in the download section. Of course, the downloads of the images are also available for you there.

More details about new features and changes are described in the release notes document: ... 1729667917

As usual the images can be downloaded froum our website:

Bookworm Image 10/24 ... 1729667917
MD5 checksum 4b945d3506a60549a64ecb6cbb29c68f

Bookworm lite Image 10/24 ... 1729667917
MD5 checksum d410d335039be116fe2d6d5c85dbcb8c

We're looking forward for your feedback!

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Known issue in Bookworm 10/24

Post by RevPiModIO »

An error was found on the Bookworm Images from 10/24!
  • The package `logrotate` is missing. The log files in `/var/log` will not be deleted. This can lead to a 100% occupancy of the eMMC storage space. The system then has no more storage space available.
To fix this problem, the following steps must be performed on the devices with the Bookworm Image 10/24:
  • The package `revpi-base-files` must be updated to version 0.5.1.
    • Install all updates via Cockpit
    • OR via the terminal `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`
  • The package `logrotate` must be installed via the terminal `sudo apt install logrotate`.
In addition, this issue will be fixed with the next image release.
python3-RevPiModIO - || Der RevPi ist das Beste, was passieren konnte!
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