How can I disable login prompt when I boot revpi in GUI mode?
Thank you,
Hi Luka,
nothing special about RevPi Core with this: Just use the normal ways described for Raspi / Jessie. You'll find dozens of solutions in the internet when asking google...
e.g. http://elinux.org/RPi_Debian_Auto_Login
Use raspi-config to set up Boot to Desktop. Switching to "boot to desktop" disables the login prompt...
nothing special about RevPi Core with this: Just use the normal ways described for Raspi / Jessie. You'll find dozens of solutions in the internet when asking google...
e.g. http://elinux.org/RPi_Debian_Auto_Login
Use raspi-config to set up Boot to Desktop. Switching to "boot to desktop" disables the login prompt...
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