SQLite & setpoints
hello everyone I have 4 questions for my project that i will use 1 DIO
1)I would like to save the data to SQLite database ,is there any tutorial or quide how to install the sqlite to revolution device?
2)can i take files (what type of files?like CSV?JASON?) in order to introduced to sqlite?how?
3)can I set up setpoints ? or only for analog revolution device?
4)how can i import a timer to DIO in order to stop or start a specific input or output?
thank you
1)I would like to save the data to SQLite database ,is there any tutorial or quide how to install the sqlite to revolution device?
2)can i take files (what type of files?like CSV?JASON?) in order to introduced to sqlite?how?
3)can I set up setpoints ? or only for analog revolution device?
4)how can i import a timer to DIO in order to stop or start a specific input or output?
thank you
thank you !
i have a last question the revolution PI which type of files record the data ? in order to take the file and import it to database .
i have a last question the revolution PI which type of files record the data ? in order to take the file and import it to database .
The IOs are stored in the process image, which can be read via ioctls. I personally would use Python with the libraries revpimodio2 and sqlite3 for this particular project. Both project have great examples, which should help you with the start.
thanks for your reply but what do you mean with IOs? that i have understood is that i should make a image and then to put to SQLite ...
IO = Input / Output
Thank you very much.the only way to take the data is throught the process image?
Yes, besides the RevPi compact, which integrated IOs can also queried via gpio subsystem, this is the only way.
how can active and inactive a specific output or input with the timer?
If you want to use a timer after a certain value change I would recommend to use the reg_event IO function in revpimodio2 (https://revpimodio.org/en/doc2/io/). In the case that you want to trigger a IO at a certain time you can call a script via a cronjob or use the python library schedule https://schedule.readthedocs.io/en/stable/