Hi guys
1- I use a revpi core3+ and a DIO
2- I configured the dives with pictory
3- I use node-red and revolution pi nodes
my issue :
The DIO module input always read 0 while it is connected to 24 volts while it read core-temp properly.
Can you explain to me how I can fix this issue? (Please see the attachment)
Hello Mali 56,
Check if the pictory is runnig properly maybe restart/reset the pictory driver.
Have a look here|I use IO modules and have problems accessing them via Node-RED. Is there any idea?
Try to update the Nodes to the latest version. Sometimes this helps!!
Best Regards
Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
Check if the pictory is runnig properly maybe restart/reset the pictory driver.
Have a look here|I use IO modules and have problems accessing them via Node-RED. Is there any idea?
Try to update the Nodes to the latest version. Sometimes this helps!!
Code: Select all
cd ~/.node-red
npm update
Best Regards
Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support