I am trying to set up a Revolution Pi with a bunch of I/O modules. So far I managed to set up a Connect+ with two AIO modules and that works (I tested both of them using a quick Python program). However, when I add a MIO module as the third expansion module, the configuration breaks and I can no longer start my Python program.
Here is the error I get (abbreviated for readability, I removed the repeating lines):
Code: Select all
$ python3
Python 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import revpimodio2
>>> rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/revpimodio2/device.py:171: Warning: Device offset ERROR in piCtory configuration! Offset of 'RevPi AIO 2' must be 140 but is 117 - Overlapping devices overwrite the same memory, which has unpredictable effects!!!
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/revpimodio2/device.py:362: Warning: IO InputValue_1_i05 is not in the device offset and will be ignored
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/revpimodio2/device.py:171: Warning: Device offset ERROR in piCtory configuration! Offset of 'RevPi AIO 1' must be 229 but is 206 - Overlapping devices overwrite the same memory, which has unpredictable effects!!!
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/revpimodio2/device.py:362: Warning: IO InputValue_1 is not in the device offset and will be ignored
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/revpimodio2/device.py:171: Warning: Device offset ERROR in piCtory configuration! Offset of 'RevPi Connect/+/S' must be 318 but is 295 - Overlapping devices overwrite the same memory, which has unpredictable effects!!!
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/revpimodio2/device.py:362: Warning: IO RevPiStatus is not in the device offset and will be ignored
This is the device configuration on the command line:
Code: Select all
$ piTest -d
Found 4 devices:
Address: 0 module type: 105 (0x69) RevPi Connect V1.0
Module is present
input offset: 295 length: 6
output offset: 301 length: 5
Address: 31 module type: 103 (0x67) RevPi AIO V1.4
Module is present
input offset: 206 length: 20
output offset: 226 length: 4
Address: 30 module type: 103 (0x67) RevPi AIO V1.4
Module is present
input offset: 117 length: 20
output offset: 137 length: 4
Address: 29 module type: 118 (0x76) RevPi MIO V1.0
Module is present
input offset: 0 length: 34
output offset: 1 length: 27
Code: Select all
{"App": {"name": "PiCtory", "version": "2.0.5", "saveTS": "20220330133636", "language": "en", "layout": {"north": {"size": 70, "initClosed": false, "initHidden": false}, "south": {"size": 294, "initClosed": false, "initHidden": false, "children": {"layout1": {"east": {"size": 500, "initClosed": false, "initHidden": false}}}}, "east": {"size": 70, "initClosed": true, "initHidden": false, "children": {}}, "west": {"size": 200, "initClosed": false, "initHidden": false, "children": {"layout1": {}}}}}, "Summary": {"inpTotal": 80, "outTotal": 40}, "Devices": [{"GUID": "30bee5df-04d0-f0a2-5bae-7b69b9b6112c", "id": "device_RevPiMIO_20200901_1_0_001", "type": "LEFT_RIGHT", "productType": "118", "position": "29", "name": "RevPi MIO", "bmk": "RevPi MIO", "inpVariant": 0, "outVariant": 0, "comment": "", "offset": 0, "inp": {"0": ["DigitalInput_1", "0", "1", "0", true, "0000", "", "0"], "1": ["DigitalInput_2", "0", "1", "0", true, "0001", "", "1"], "2": ["DigitalInput_3", "0", "1", "0", true, "0002", "", "2"], "3": ["DigitalInput_4", "0", "1", "0", true, "0003", "", "3"], "4": ["DutyCycle_PulseLength_1", "0", "16", "1", true, "0004", "Dutycycle or PulseLength", ""], "5": ["DutyCycle_PulseLength_2", "0", "16", "3", true, "0005", "Dutycycle or PulseLength", ""], "6": ["DutyCycle_PulseLength_3", "0", "16", "5", true, "0006", "Dutycycle or PulseLength", ""], "7": ["DutyCycle_PulseLength_4", "0", "16", "7", true, "0007", "Dutycycle or PulseLength", ""], "8": ["Fpwm_PulseCount_1", "0", "16", "9", true, "0008", "Frequency or PulseCount DO", ""], "9": ["Fpwm_PulseCount_2", "0", "16", "11", true, "0009", "Frequency or PulseCount DO", ""], "10": ["Fpwm_PulseCount_3", "0", "16", "13", true, "0010", "Frequency or PulseCount DO", ""], "11": ["Fpwm_PulseCount_4", "0", "16", "15", true, "0011", "Frequency or PulseCount DO", ""], "12": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_1", "0", "1", "17", false, "0012", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "0"], "13": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_2", "0", "1", "17", false, "0013", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "1"], "14": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_3", "0", "1", "17", false, "0014", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "2"], "15": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_4", "0", "1", "17", false, "0015", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "3"], "16": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_5", "0", "1", "17", false, "0016", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "4"], "17": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_6", "0", "1", "17", false, "0017", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "5"], "18": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_7", "0", "1", "17", false, "0018", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "6"], "19": ["AnalogInputLogicLevel_8", "0", "1", "17", false, "0019", "Logic Level (high/low) for analogInput", "7"], "20": ["AnalogInput_1", "0", "16", "18", true, "0020", "", ""], "21": ["AnalogInput_2", "0", "16", "20", true, "0021", "", ""], "22": ["AnalogInput_3", "0", "16", "22", true, "0022", "", ""], "23": ["AnalogInput_4", "0", "16", "24", true, "0023", "", ""], "24": ["AnalogInput_5", "0", "16", "26", true, "0024", "", ""], "25": ["AnalogInput_6", "0", "16", "28", true, "0025", "", ""], "26": ["AnalogInput_7", "0", "16", "30", true, "0026", "", ""], "27": ["AnalogInput_8", "0", "16", "32", true, "0027", "", ""], "28": ["ReservedDI_1", "0", "1", "0", false, "0099", "", "0"], "29": ["ReservedDI_2", "0", "1", "0", false, "0100", "", "1"], "30": ["ReservedDI_3", "0", "1", "0", false, "0101", "", "2"], "31": ["ReservedDI_4", "0", "1", "0", false, "0102", "", "3"]}, "out": {"0": ["DigitalOutput_1", "0", "1", "1", true, "0028", "", "0"], "1": ["DigitalOutput_2", "0", "1", "2", true, "0029", "", "1"], "2": ["DigitalOutput_3", "0", "1", "3", true, "0030", "", "2"], "3": ["DigitalOutput_4", "0", "1", "4", true, "0031", "", "3"], "4": ["PwmDutycycle_1", "0", "16", "5", true, "0032", "", ""], "5": ["PwmDutycycle_2", "0", "16", "7", true, "0033", "", ""], "6": ["PwmDutycycle_3", "0", "16", "9", true, "0034", "", ""], "7": ["PwmDutycycle_4", "0", "16", "11", true, "0035", "", ""], "8": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_1", "0", "1", "13", false, "0036", "", "0"], "9": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_2", "0", "1", "14", false, "0037", "", "1"], "10": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_3", "0", "1", "15", false, "0038", "", "2"], "11": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_4", "0", "1", "16", false, "0039", "", "3"], "12": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_5", "0", "1", "17", false, "0040", "", "4"], "13": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_6", "0", "1", "18", false, "0041", "", "5"], "14": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_7", "0", "1", "19", false, "0042", "", "6"], "15": ["AnalogOutputLogicLevel_8", "0", "1", "20", false, "0043", "", "7"], "16": ["AnalogOutput_1", "0", "16", "21", true, "0044", "", ""], "17": ["AnalogOutput_2", "0", "16", "23", true, "0045", "", ""], "18": ["AnalogOutput_3", "0", "16", "25", true, "0046", "", ""], "19": ["AnalogOutput_4", "0", "16", "27", true, "0047", "", ""], "20": ["AnalogOutput_5", "0", "16", "29", true, "0048", "", ""], "21": ["AnalogOutput_6", "0", "16", "31", true, "0049", "", ""], "22": ["AnalogOutput_7", "0", "16", "33", true, "0050", "", ""], "23": ["AnalogOutput_8", "0", "16", "35", true, "0051", "", ""], "24": ["ReservedDO_1", "0", "1", "34", false, "0103", "", "0"], "25": ["ReservedDO_2", "0", "1", "34", false, "0104", "", "1"], "26": ["ReservedDO_3", "0", "1", "34", false, "0105", "", "2"], "27": ["ReservedDO_4", "0", "1", "34", false, "0106", "", "3"], "28": ["Reserved", "0", "8", "35", false, "0107", "", ""]}, "mem": {"0": ["EncoderMode", "0", "8", "36", false, "0052", "EncoderMode", ""], "1": ["IO_Mode_1", "0", "8", "37", false, "0053", "Config digital IO mode", ""], "2": ["IO_Mode_2", "0", "8", "38", false, "0054", "Config digital IO mode", ""], "3": ["IO_Mode_3", "0", "8", "39", false, "0055", "Config digital IO mode", ""], "4": ["IO_Mode_4", "0", "8", "40", false, "0056", "Config digital IO mode", ""], "5": ["Pullup", "0", "8", "41", false, "0057", "", ""], "6": ["PulseMode", "0", "8", "42", false, "0058", "", ""], "7": ["FpwmOut_12", "0", "16", "43", false, "0059", "Pwm-Frequeny of DO1 & DO2", ""], "8": ["FpwmOut_3", "0", "16", "45", false, "0060", "Pwm-Frequeny of DO3", ""], "9": ["FpwmOut_4", "0", "16", "47", false, "0061", "Pwm-Frequeny of DO4", ""], "10": ["PulseLength_1", "0", "16", "49", false, "0062", "Pulse-Length of DO [0-65535]", ""], "11": ["PulseLength_2", "0", "16", "51", false, "0063", "Pulse-Length of DO [0-65535]", ""], "12": ["PulseLength_3", "0", "16", "53", false, "0064", "Pulse-Length of DO [0-65535]", ""], "13": ["PulseLength_4", "0", "16", "55", false, "0065", "Pulse-Length of DO [0-65535]", ""], "14": ["AnalogInputMode_1", "0", "1", "57", false, "0066", "AnalogInput Mode", "0"], "15": ["AnalogInputMode_2", "0", "1", "58", false, "0067", "AnalogInput Mode", "1"], "16": ["AnalogInputMode_3", "0", "1", "59", false, "0068", "AnalogInput Mode", "2"], "17": ["AnalogInputMode_4", "0", "1", "60", false, "0069", "AnalogInput Mode", "3"], "18": ["AnalogInputMode_5", "0", "1", "61", false, "0070", "AnalogInput Mode", "4"], "19": ["AnalogInputMode_6", "0", "1", "62", false, "0071", "AnalogInput Mode", "5"], "20": ["AnalogInputMode_7", "0", "1", "63", false, "0072", "AnalogInput Mode", "6"], "21": ["AnalogInputMode_8", "0", "1", "64", false, "0073", "AnalogInput Mode", "7"], "22": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_1", "0", "16", "65", false, "0074", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "23": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_2", "0", "16", "67", false, "0075", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "24": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_3", "0", "16", "69", false, "0076", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "25": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_4", "0", "16", "71", false, "0077", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "26": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_5", "0", "16", "73", false, "0078", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "27": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_6", "0", "16", "75", false, "0079", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "28": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_7", "0", "16", "77", false, "0080", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "29": ["InputLogicLevelVoltage_8", "0", "16", "79", false, "0081", "Switching threshold for analog inputs[0-10000]", ""], "30": ["FilterWindowSize", "1", "8", "81", false, "0082", "Filter width of the moving average filter", ""], "31": ["AnalogOutputMode_1", "0", "1", "82", false, "0083", "AnalogOutput Mode", "0"], "32": ["AnalogOutputMode_2", "0", "1", "83", false, "0084", "AnalogOutput Mode", "1"], "33": ["AnalogOutputMode_3", "0", "1", "84", false, "0085", "AnalogOutput Mode", "2"], "34": ["AnalogOutputMode_4", "0", "1", "85", false, "0086", "AnalogOutput Mode", "3"], "35": ["AnalogOutputMode_5", "0", "1", "86", false, "0087", "AnalogOutput Mode", "4"], "36": ["AnalogOutputMode_6", "0", "1", "87", false, "0088", "AnalogOutput Mode", "5"], "37": ["AnalogOutputMode_7", "0", "1", "88", false, "0089", "AnalogOutput Mode", "6"], "38": ["AnalogOutputMode_8", "0", "1", "89", false, "0090", "AnalogOutput Mode", "7"], "39": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_1", "0", "16", "90", false, "0091", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "40": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_2", "0", "16", "92", false, "0092", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "41": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_3", "0", "16", "94", false, "0093", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "42": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_4", "0", "16", "96", false, "0094", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "43": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_5", "0", "16", "98", false, "0095", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "44": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_6", "0", "16", "100", false, "0096", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "45": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_7", "0", "16", "102", false, "0097", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""], "46": ["OutputLogicLevelVoltage_8", "0", "16", "104", false, "0098", "Fixed output voltage for analog outputs[0-10000]", ""]}, "extend": {}}, {"GUID": "90e6e53a-570f-10d7-1157-27a919c58687", "id": "device_RevPiAIO_20170301_1_0_002", "type": "LEFT_RIGHT", "productType": "103", "position": "30", "name": "RevPi AIO 2", "bmk": "RevPi AIO 2", "inpVariant": 0, "outVariant": 0, "comment": "", "offset": 117, "inp": {"0": ["InputValue_1_i05", "0", "16", "0", false, "0000", "", ""], "1": ["InputValue_2_i05", "0", "16", "2", false, "0001", "", ""], "2": ["InputValue_3_i05", "0", "16", "4", false, "0002", "", ""], "3": ["InputValue_4_i05", "0", "16", "6", false, "0003", "", ""], "4": ["InputStatus_1_i05", "0", "8", "8", false, "0004", "", ""], "5": ["InputStatus_2_i05", "0", "8", "9", false, "0005", "", ""], "6": ["InputStatus_3_i05", "0", "8", "10", false, "0006", "", ""], "7": ["InputStatus_4_i05", "0", "8", "11", false, "0007", "", ""], "8": ["RTDValue_1_i05", "0", "16", "12", false, "0008", "", ""], "9": ["RTDValue_2_i05", "0", "16", "14", false, "0009", "", ""], "10": ["RTDStatus_1_i05", "0", "8", "16", false, "0010", "", ""], "11": ["RTDStatus_2_i05", "0", "8", "17", false, "0011", "", ""], "12": ["OutputStatus_1_i05", "0", "8", "18", false, "0012", "", ""], "13": ["OutputStatus_2_i05", "0", "8", "19", false, "0013", "", ""]}, "out": {"0": ["OutputValue_1_i05", "0", "16", "20", false, "0014", "", ""], "1": ["OutputValue_2_i05", "0", "16", "22", false, "0015", "", ""]}, "mem": {"0": ["Input1Range_i05", "1", "8", "24", false, "0016", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "1": ["Input1Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "25", false, "0017", "", ""], "2": ["Input1Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "27", false, "0018", "", ""], "3": ["Input1Offset_i05", "0", "16", "29", false, "0019", "", ""], "4": ["Input2Range_i05", "1", "8", "31", false, "0020", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "5": ["Input2Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "32", false, "0021", "", ""], "6": ["Input2Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "34", false, "0022", "", ""], "7": ["Input2Offset_i05", "0", "16", "36", false, "0023", "", ""], "8": ["Input3Range_i05", "1", "8", "38", false, "0024", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "9": ["Input3Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "39", false, "0025", "", ""], "10": ["Input3Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "41", false, "0026", "", ""], "11": ["Input3Offset_i05", "0", "16", "43", false, "0027", "", ""], "12": ["Input4Range_i05", "1", "8", "45", false, "0028", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "13": ["Input4Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "46", false, "0029", "", ""], "14": ["Input4Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "48", false, "0030", "", ""], "15": ["Input4Offset_i05", "0", "16", "50", false, "0031", "", ""], "16": ["ADC_DataRate_i05", "0", "8", "52", false, "0032", "Use lowest value for highest precision and a maximum 50 Hz suppression", ""], "17": ["RTD1Type_i05", "0", "8", "53", false, "0033", "", ""], "18": ["RTD1Wiring_i05", "0", "8", "54", false, "0034", "You must use wire bridges for 2-wire sensors!", ""], "19": ["RTD1Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "55", false, "0035", "", ""], "20": ["RTD1Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "57", false, "0036", "", ""], "21": ["RTD1Offset_i05", "0", "16", "59", false, "0037", "", ""], "22": ["RTD2Type_i05", "0", "8", "61", false, "0038", "", ""], "23": ["RTD2Wiring_i05", "0", "8", "62", false, "0039", "You must use wire bridges for 2-wire sensors!", ""], "24": ["RTD2Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "63", false, "0040", "", ""], "25": ["RTD2Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "65", false, "0041", "", ""], "26": ["RTD2Offset_i05", "0", "16", "67", false, "0042", "", ""], "27": ["Output1Range_i05", "0", "8", "69", false, "0043", "", ""], "28": ["Output1EnableSlew_i05", "0", "8", "70", false, "0044", "Enable slew rate deceleration", ""], "29": ["Output1SlewStepSize_i05", "0", "8", "71", false, "0045", "Slew rate step size", ""], "30": ["Output1SlewClock_i05", "0", "8", "72", false, "0046", "lock rate of slew rate deceleration in kHz", ""], "31": ["Output1Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "73", false, "0047", "", ""], "32": ["Output1Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "75", false, "0048", "", ""], "33": ["Output1Offset_i05", "0", "16", "77", false, "0049", "", ""], "34": ["Output2Range_i05", "0", "8", "79", false, "0050", "", ""], "35": ["Output2EnableSlew_i05", "0", "8", "80", false, "0051", "Enable slew rate deceleration", ""], "36": ["Output2SlewStepSize_i05", "0", "8", "81", false, "0052", "Slew rate step size", ""], "37": ["Output2SlewClock_i05", "0", "8", "82", false, "0053", "lock rate of slew rate deceleration in kHz", ""], "38": ["Output2Multiplier_i05", "1", "16", "83", false, "0054", "", ""], "39": ["Output2Divisor_i05", "1", "16", "85", false, "0055", "", ""], "40": ["Output2Offset_i05", "0", "16", "87", false, "0056", "", ""]}, "extend": {}}, {"GUID": "6fa5abeb-431d-db89-433d-283db8acf0c4", "id": "device_RevPiAIO_20170301_1_0_001", "type": "LEFT_RIGHT", "productType": "103", "position": "31", "name": "RevPi AIO 1", "bmk": "RevPi AIO 1", "inpVariant": 0, "outVariant": 0, "comment": "", "offset": 206, "inp": {"0": ["InputValue_1", "0", "16", "0", false, "0000", "", ""], "1": ["InputValue_2", "0", "16", "2", false, "0001", "", ""], "2": ["InputValue_3", "0", "16", "4", false, "0002", "", ""], "3": ["InputValue_4", "0", "16", "6", false, "0003", "", ""], "4": ["InputStatus_1", "0", "8", "8", false, "0004", "", ""], "5": ["InputStatus_2", "0", "8", "9", false, "0005", "", ""], "6": ["InputStatus_3", "0", "8", "10", false, "0006", "", ""], "7": ["InputStatus_4", "0", "8", "11", false, "0007", "", ""], "8": ["RTDValue_1", "0", "16", "12", false, "0008", "", ""], "9": ["RTDValue_2", "0", "16", "14", false, "0009", "", ""], "10": ["RTDStatus_1", "0", "8", "16", false, "0010", "", ""], "11": ["RTDStatus_2", "0", "8", "17", false, "0011", "", ""], "12": ["OutputStatus_1", "0", "8", "18", false, "0012", "", ""], "13": ["OutputStatus_2", "0", "8", "19", false, "0013", "", ""]}, "out": {"0": ["OutputValue_1", "0", "16", "20", false, "0014", "", ""], "1": ["OutputValue_2", "0", "16", "22", false, "0015", "", ""]}, "mem": {"0": ["Input1Range", "1", "8", "24", false, "0016", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "1": ["Input1Multiplier", "1", "16", "25", false, "0017", "", ""], "2": ["Input1Divisor", "1", "16", "27", false, "0018", "", ""], "3": ["Input1Offset", "0", "16", "29", false, "0019", "", ""], "4": ["Input2Range", "1", "8", "31", false, "0020", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "5": ["Input2Multiplier", "1", "16", "32", false, "0021", "", ""], "6": ["Input2Divisor", "1", "16", "34", false, "0022", "", ""], "7": ["Input2Offset", "0", "16", "36", false, "0023", "", ""], "8": ["Input3Range", "1", "8", "38", false, "0024", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "9": ["Input3Multiplier", "1", "16", "39", false, "0025", "", ""], "10": ["Input3Divisor", "1", "16", "41", false, "0026", "", ""], "11": ["Input3Offset", "0", "16", "43", false, "0027", "", ""], "12": ["Input4Range", "1", "8", "45", false, "0028", "You must use wire bridges for current measurement!", ""], "13": ["Input4Multiplier", "1", "16", "46", false, "0029", "", ""], "14": ["Input4Divisor", "1", "16", "48", false, "0030", "", ""], "15": ["Input4Offset", "0", "16", "50", false, "0031", "", ""], "16": ["ADC_DataRate", "0", "8", "52", false, "0032", "Use lowest value for highest precision and a maximum 50 Hz suppression", ""], "17": ["RTD1Type", "0", "8", "53", false, "0033", "", ""], "18": ["RTD1Wiring", "0", "8", "54", false, "0034", "You must use wire bridges for 2-wire sensors!", ""], "19": ["RTD1Multiplier", "1", "16", "55", false, "0035", "", ""], "20": ["RTD1Divisor", "1", "16", "57", false, "0036", "", ""], "21": ["RTD1Offset", "0", "16", "59", false, "0037", "", ""], "22": ["RTD2Type", "0", "8", "61", false, "0038", "", ""], "23": ["RTD2Wiring", "0", "8", "62", false, "0039", "You must use wire bridges for 2-wire sensors!", ""], "24": ["RTD2Multiplier", "1", "16", "63", false, "0040", "", ""], "25": ["RTD2Divisor", "1", "16", "65", false, "0041", "", ""], "26": ["RTD2Offset", "0", "16", "67", false, "0042", "", ""], "27": ["Output1Range", "0", "8", "69", false, "0043", "", ""], "28": ["Output1EnableSlew", "0", "8", "70", false, "0044", "Enable slew rate deceleration", ""], "29": ["Output1SlewStepSize", "0", "8", "71", false, "0045", "Slew rate step size", ""], "30": ["Output1SlewClock", "0", "8", "72", false, "0046", "lock rate of slew rate deceleration in kHz", ""], "31": ["Output1Multiplier", "1", "16", "73", false, "0047", "", ""], "32": ["Output1Divisor", "1", "16", "75", false, "0048", "", ""], "33": ["Output1Offset", "0", "16", "77", false, "0049", "", ""], "34": ["Output2Range", "0", "8", "79", false, "0050", "", ""], "35": ["Output2EnableSlew", "0", "8", "80", false, "0051", "Enable slew rate deceleration", ""], "36": ["Output2SlewStepSize", "0", "8", "81", false, "0052", "Slew rate step size", ""], "37": ["Output2SlewClock", "0", "8", "82", false, "0053", "lock rate of slew rate deceleration in kHz", ""], "38": ["Output2Multiplier", "1", "16", "83", false, "0054", "", ""], "39": ["Output2Divisor", "1", "16", "85", false, "0055", "", ""], "40": ["Output2Offset", "0", "16", "87", false, "0056", "", ""]}, "extend": {}}, {"GUID": "8054212d-588b-a945-4f1b-fa9d7cf35e9e", "id": "device_RevPiConnect_20171023_1_0_001", "type": "BASE", "productType": "105", "position": "0", "name": "RevPi Connect/+/S", "bmk": "RevPi Connect/+/S", "inpVariant": 0, "outVariant": 0, "comment": "", "offset": 295, "inp": {"0": ["RevPiStatus", "0", "8", "0", true, "0000", "", ""], "1": ["RevPiIOCycle", "0", "8", "1", true, "0001", "", ""], "2": ["RS485ErrorCnt", "0", "16", "2", false, "0002", "", ""], "3": ["Core_Temperature", "0", "8", "4", false, "0003", "", ""], "4": ["Core_Frequency", "0", "8", "5", false, "0004", "", ""]}, "out": {"0": ["RevPiLED", "0", "8", "6", true, "0005", "", ""], "1": ["RS485ErrorLimit1", "10", "16", "7", false, "0006", "", ""], "2": ["RS485ErrorLimit2", "1000", "16", "9", false, "0007", "", ""]}, "mem": {}, "extend": {}}], "Connections": []}