Is there a way to safely shutdown the RevPi Core without having to establish an SSH session, log in as root or sudo user, and issue shutdown command?
Shutting Down RevPi Core
Could you please tell us how you are operating your system? Headless (without monitor and keyboard)? if you do not have SSH connection available how doe you want to restart? By http? or by HW pin?
If we know you preferred method we may suggest a way to do it...
If we know you preferred method we may suggest a way to do it...
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
Thank you for your reply Volker.
I would like to have a UPS shutdown the RevPi when the UPS battery is exhausted and turn it on again when the main power supply is restored. This is to avoid the risk of corruption of the OS or other data storage (USB flash) if the main power supply fails. So a hardware pin would be most suitable, I think. Many UPS have the ability to pulse some contacts.
I would like to have a UPS shutdown the RevPi when the UPS battery is exhausted and turn it on again when the main power supply is restored. This is to avoid the risk of corruption of the OS or other data storage (USB flash) if the main power supply fails. So a hardware pin would be most suitable, I think. Many UPS have the ability to pulse some contacts.
Okay. This will be part of our RevPi Connect which will a contact input as well as an integrated hardware WDG, retriggered via GPIO command.
But that's future.
For now you would need to have a DIO module connected to the Core (alternatively you could also use any Modbus TCP digital input device). then you need to cyclically check the Input with a small python or C program and react to a power down signal from the UPS. The reaction could be a simple "sudo shutdown". You would then need a hardware setup which would turn off the power to the core and turn it on again as soon as the mains power is restored. Such a hardware could be constructed by using a "monoflop relays" triggered by the "power good" contact. the relays would turn off and on the Core's power for a given time (>1 second). There are monoflop relays out there on the market with all kinds of pulse and / or edge triggers and adjustable timing.
Hope this helps.
But that's future.
For now you would need to have a DIO module connected to the Core (alternatively you could also use any Modbus TCP digital input device). then you need to cyclically check the Input with a small python or C program and react to a power down signal from the UPS. The reaction could be a simple "sudo shutdown". You would then need a hardware setup which would turn off the power to the core and turn it on again as soon as the mains power is restored. Such a hardware could be constructed by using a "monoflop relays" triggered by the "power good" contact. the relays would turn off and on the Core's power for a given time (>1 second). There are monoflop relays out there on the market with all kinds of pulse and / or edge triggers and adjustable timing.
Hope this helps.
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!