RevPi Connect not Powering Up

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RevPi Connect not Powering Up

Post by TonyVov »

Hai - buzzing from Bali Indonesia.
I have a RevPi connect that fails to powerup.
Previously the unit has worked flawlessly for over one year.
It is installed in a fixed good quality control panel, the installation is 1.5 year old but has been unused ((power on) for last 5 months due to other mechanical failure.
Power supply is 24vDC with attached battery backup for support.
Looking at available log data it failed sometime in Feb 2021.
There is no light at all visible on the module.
Our unit is revpi connect 100274 4Gb, we only have one.

To troubleshoot so far have dismounted the RevPi, connected to bench 24V powersupply alone, seen no lights at all, measured no current on power line.
The unit has been split open to inspect, no visual indication of anything burnt or broken.
the power up test was made directly on the module pins (connector removed)

Posting this request to see if there is anything else to try or to inspect. we have available some basic lab equipment. I have been in contact with the Indonesia KunBus agent in Jakarta but they are unable to provide service support.

Our unit is provided as part of a micro hydro power system from a company in Belgium, who can also assist me with troubleshooting.
It is very strange to have a failure like this on a robust industrial controller with no external incident.

Any suggestions welcome for trouble shooting.
Any thoughts on where the unit could go for service support?

Image RevPi Connect installed on rail, no lights other modules light OK
Image Power board
Image Connector on Power board
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Boris Crismancich
Posts: 23
Joined: 21 Apr 2017, 12:04

Re: RevPi Connect not Powering Up

Post by Boris Crismancich »

Hi Tony,

sorry for the late reply. Our highlighting mechanism for unanswered threads had a glitch.
The device is out of warranty, but we're very interested toi see what is wrong with the device.

Can you please create a ticket in our ticket system so we can start the RMA process?
Our Ticket System has a bug right now. So you have to sign up and the first page is in German. ... r/portal/1
But don't panic, it works like this...

Of course we'll also fix that registration bug shortly. The little things...
Kind regards / Herzliche Grüße / Cordiali saluti
Boris Crismancich
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