Hi everyone,
I connected a RevPi Connect + with an AIO module. Then I measure the cyclical signal exchange between them through PiBrige with Picoscope.
Fig.1: https://imgur.com/gallery/paqP0rK
Fig.2: https://imgur.com/gallery/RfVeCIf
In the first picture you can see that I changed some values of Output on the AIO module (variable: OutputValue_1, OutputValue_2). So some exchanged bytes were changed as well. For example: I set the output of AIO to 17887 (45DF in Hex), and i hope to see 45, DF on messured data flow (on Picoscope). But on the data flow I can't see this value, but a different value like 90, 3C, 1. ... I think this value will change somehow to get the output value 17887. But I do not know how. Can someone help me explain it?
Thanks in advance,
Data flow understading
Read the source or dial 911....
Have a look in the piBridge driver source it's pretty well commented.
Have a look in the piBridge driver source it's pretty well commented.
Thanks for your recommend. The best document to find out, how data flow on PiBridge is, is exactly the source code of Revolution Pi on GitHub.