USB communication failure

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Joined: 12 Nov 2020, 14:28

USB communication failure

Post by Wang »

Hello, our customer has adopted RevPi Core in their system. It should execute USB communication once/sec, but the device loses connection sometimes. After plug-out and plug-in, it works, but some time later, the failure happens again.
The RevPi core is connected with RevPi DIO, device 1 and device 2. It communication with device1 via USB, communicate with device 2 via Ethernet.
The error log is attached here, would you please kindly share your insight on this issue ?
(6.43 KiB) Downloaded 483 times

Re: USB communication failure

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi Wang,

It is not clear at this point whether the problem is coming from the USB interface of the RevPi Core or from the USB device.

Therefore we suggest that your customer tests the USB interface with e.g. a USB keyboard and a USB stick. If there are no problems here, it is most likely due to the USB to serial converter, possibly a defect in the ftdi chip.

If your customer has new findings, let us know.

Best regards

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