RevPi + Codesys + EtherCAT

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RevPi + Codesys + EtherCAT

Post by mirko.comparetti »

We are doing some tests in the following condition:
  1. RevPi Connect + RevPi Gate EtherCAT Slave
  2. RevPi Connect
Both RevPis are running CoDeSys runtime with RevolutionPiBridgeV1.1.0.0 and CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi

RevPi 1 has the RevPi Gate EtherCAT Slave on the left hand side and codesys has been configured as such.
RevPi 2 acts as an EtherCAT Master on eth1 and we imported the ESI file of the RevPi Gate EtherCAT Slave; the master port eth1 si connected to the RevPi Gate EtherCAT Slave upper port.

Code has been deployed on both devices and both of them are running fine with "all green".
What we noticed is the following situation
  1. RevPi 1 sets its output bits, those are NOT retrieved by RevPi 2
  2. RevPi 2 sets its output bits, those are retrieved by RevPi 2 in random positions (i.e. setting the very first bit, sets to true ALL the first bit of each of the 512 bytes)
Does anyone have any experience with that?

Re: RevPi + Codesys + EtherCAT

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi Mirko,

In order for us to make a statement, we need to create a test setup.
Therefore, I ask you for a little patience.

Best regards
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Re: RevPi + Codesys + EtherCAT

Post by dirk »

Dear mirko.comparetti, have a look at this article from our knowledge base:
EtherCAT Master with RevPi Codesys and Slave RevPi EtherCAT Gateway
You just have to register with your E-Mail address to access it.
The registration page is currently in German language only so here is a short animation how it works:
Video.JSD.Registration GIF.gif
Video.JSD.Registration GIF.gif (755.56 KiB) Viewed 7253 times
Posts: 36
Joined: 04 Jun 2018, 11:01
Location: Lomazzo

Re: RevPi + Codesys + EtherCAT

Post by mirko.comparetti »

Thank you all!
We will try it out and we will let you know our findings!
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