RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

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RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

Post by richard.vezina »


We have tried to use RevPi core in our application to serve file with tftp and we get terrible performance (very long file transfert). We couldn't find specification about the RevPi core storage.

Currently we assume that the speed performance we observe is related mostly to the RevPi core limited cpu as we test serving file from usb key vs internal revpi storage and there were no difference.

Do you have some benchmark between the revpi core and the revpi compact??

We wanted to buy the revpi compact in the first place but it wasn't already commercialise.

If RevPi compact has more decent file transfert performance we consider upgrading.

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Re: RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

Post by dirk »

Hi, do you use the RevPi Core 1 or The RevPi Core 3? What was your expectation?
My quick research pointed out the tool "usbtop" looks nice for perfromance measurements.
So compared to RevPi Core 1 all other RevPi Modules have better performance as they are using the Compute Module 3.
Internaly we are using an IC to distribute the USB from the Compute Module to ethernet network and the USB interfaces.
Schematics are available see download area.
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Re: RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

Post by richard.vezina »


RevPi Core 1

Currently on PLC it takes : 27525120 bytes in 201.6 seconds

Compare to 27525120 bytes in 10.7 seconds

When I serve file from a regular linux laptop.

I can't provide the file I use for you to benchmark revpi compact... But if you take any file with similar size that I could try on my side it would help to clear out the question and determine if we buy revpi compact or not.

I used this howto for the tftp server setup : ... tp-server/

The only thing important is to use pi user and 777 permission otherwise it works.

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Re: RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

Post by richard.vezina »


Any insight on file transfert performance of RevPi compact would be appreciate.

Thank you
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Re: RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

Post by dirk »

Dear richard, I have made a test setup with a RevPi Compact and a RevPi Core 3. I have used the steps from the tutorial you have posted to setup the TFTP server.
I have created a random file like so

Code: Select all

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tftpboot/random count=27525120 iflag='count_bytes'
Then on the client the transfer performance was this:

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi39627:~ $ tftp
tftp> get random
Received 27739814 bytes in 35.3 seconds
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Re: RevPi core file transfert performance vs RevPi Compact

Post by richard.vezina »

So nice Dirk!

It corroborates the tests I did with beaglebone black and a raspberry pi 4 b that I had on hand.

Thanks a lot

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