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by marcel.robitaille
18 Mar 2019, 18:53
Forum: Software
Topic: Help understanding serial gateway
Replies: 1
Views: 4484

Help understanding serial gateway

Hello, I am trying to setup a serial gateway. From what I have read, if I use one gateway, the data is copied directly into the process image of my core3. I have connected the gateway, configured it in PiCtory and tried to send it data over RS232 using a serial terminal. The problem is that I still ...
by marcel.robitaille
06 Feb 2019, 16:47
Forum: RevPiModIO
Topic: Configure inputs from python
Replies: 2
Views: 5555

Re: Configure inputs from python

Hi miprotek.

Thanks for the reply. In that case, could you point me to where config.rsc is documented?

by marcel.robitaille
24 Jan 2019, 17:46
Forum: RevPiModIO
Topic: Configure inputs from python
Replies: 2
Views: 5555

Configure inputs from python

Hello. First, thanks for making RevPiModIO. It's a great library. I am wondering if there is a way to configure inputs from within RevPiModIO. For my project, this is something I am going to have to do programmatically one way or another. I have added an AIO device and want to set it up with a prett...