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by JeffreyA
13 Jul 2023, 11:13
Forum: Hardware
Topic: power led of DO module keeps flashing red
Replies: 9
Views: 9220

Re: power led of DO module keeps flashing red

Follow up of the previous post, the result of "cat /etc/revpi/config.rsc": {"App":{"name": "PiCtory", "version": "2.0.6","saveTS": "20230712132536","language": "en","layout": {"north&qu...
by JeffreyA
13 Jul 2023, 11:10
Forum: Hardware
Topic: power led of DO module keeps flashing red
Replies: 9
Views: 9220

Re: power led of DO module keeps flashing red

Good day, Recently, my assistance was requested to help sandwave123 with the problem of flashing lights on the DO modules. We work at the same facility. Since the last message in this thread, a new image has been flashed onto the revpi Connect SE, in an attempt to fix the issue. We however, still ca...