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by skizz0to
09 Feb 2021, 10:03
Forum: Hardware
Topic: OutputPushPull behaviour
Replies: 3
Views: 3495

Re: OutputPushPull behaviour

Hi Johannes,, I connected dio in/out and revpi power line to same power supply at 24 volts. I tested line Out (more than one with same behaviour) with my Hp multimeter between Out pin and ground pin. When I switch on output I read correctly 24V. When switched off I do not read 0 Volts as aspected bu...
by skizz0to
29 Jan 2021, 16:07
Forum: Hardware
Topic: OutputPushPull behaviour
Replies: 3
Views: 3495

OutputPushPull behaviour

Hi all, I am developing a solutions with revpicore 3+ and DIO module. I was just verifing how to program dio module and found something i do not understand. If I set the OutputPushPull variable for Out1 I measure with multimeter always erratic values (not 0 like should be) when off e value as expect...