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by nhosko
06 Apr 2021, 14:17
Forum: Software
Topic: MOXA Driver Installieren
Replies: 3
Views: 10823

Re: MOXA Driver Installieren

Hi dirk,

installing the kernel headers before installing the moxa driver did the job for me:

Code: Select all

apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers -y
by nhosko
30 Mar 2021, 16:58
Forum: Software
Topic: Best/fastest way for duplicating rev pi
Replies: 1
Views: 2996

Best/fastest way for duplicating rev pi

Hi, I've installed some software and set several settings on my first RevPi, now I need to make several copies of it to distribute to the end-clients. I've managed to make an image of the original RevPi (32GB) and I can transfer this image to further RevPis - it all works, however the process takes ...
by nhosko
11 Nov 2020, 08:52
Forum: Software
Topic: MOXA Driver Installieren
Replies: 3
Views: 10823

MOXA Driver Installieren

Hallo, um ein bzw. mehrere Serielle Gerät via Ethernet zu erreichen habe ich mir ein Moxa NPort gekauft. Der Hersteller liefert ein Driver (moxa-real-tty-drivers-for-linux-4.x.x-driver-v4.0.tgz) welches auf Raspbian laufen soll. Allerdings bei RevPi klappt bei mir nicht. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit g...