Search found 4 matches

by lujakob
29 Sep 2020, 09:17
Forum: RevPiModIO
Topic: Software PWM and read analog input at the same time
Replies: 2
Views: 5444

Software PWM and read analog input at the same time

Hey all, I have problems with my PWM running and retrieving analog values at the same time. I have connected a motor that I run through the PWM of the Revolution Pi. I let this motor run at different speeds and toggle it with a button. I realized this with the following code (These are only excerpts...
by lujakob
06 Aug 2020, 18:24
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Current sensor for Revpi
Replies: 6
Views: 5851

Re: Current sensor for Revpi

Hey, I ordered now the LEM Current Transducer LTS-6 NP. Already tried to implement it but so far, I was not successful. I always receive a value about 2500. But I am not confident with how I wired the sensor to the Revolution Pi. Would you please have a look on the circuit diagram I attached to this...
by lujakob
24 Jul 2020, 15:19
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Current sensor for Revpi
Replies: 6
Views: 5851

Re: Current sensor fpr Revpi

Hey Dirk and RR4711, many thanks for your replies. I already have the sensor that Dirk is recommending and had no success because of it is measuring just AC. RR4711, your sensor looks quite good and I gonna have a deeper look on it. I gonna tell you then if I ordered this one and if I had success wi...
by lujakob
23 Jul 2020, 14:10
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Current sensor for Revpi
Replies: 6
Views: 5851

Current sensor for Revpi

Hello, I need a current sensor which will measure a direct current in the range of 0 to 2 Ampere. I have an analog input module for my Revolution Pi, which I would like to use to connect this sensor. Does anyone have experience with a suitable sensor which can be connected to the analog module of th...