Search found 3 matches

by jykim
12 Apr 2017, 09:22
Forum: Software
Topic: Logi.CAD3
Replies: 1
Views: 5024


Hello Now I'm testing RevPi&Logi.CAD3. I try to embed C code in Logi.CAD3 project to communicate with some application on RevPi. For this, I use socket code in ST-Interface but Logi.CAD3 can't build the project and there is an error that is "fatal error: ws2tcpip.h: No such file or director...
by jykim
05 Apr 2017, 09:04
Forum: Software
Topic: jessie with rt-patch
Replies: 5
Views: 9889

jessie with rt-patch

Hi I'm trying to install qt5 on RevPi. But when I type "qmake", RevPi shows "Segmentation fault" so qt5 doesn't work on debian wheezy with rt-patch version. Is there OS(jessie with rt-patch version)? or Is there anyone who installs qt5 on RevPi(wheezy with rt-patch version)? Plea...
by jykim
04 Apr 2017, 03:09
Forum: Software
Topic: Qtcreator with qt5
Replies: 3
Views: 7701

Qtcreator with qt5

Hi I want to know whether qtcreator with qt5 on debian wheezy with rt-patch of kernel 4.1(RevPi OS) can be installed or not. I added source list that was wheezy-backports( and installed qtcreator(v3.2.1) with qt5. When I command "sudo qtcreator", it doesn't work. Also...