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by sirockin
04 Nov 2019, 17:54
Forum: Software
Topic: Disable or redirect the default web interface
Replies: 7
Views: 19217

Re: Disable or redirect the default web interface

Thanks. So the complete answer is to change the port from default (80) to (in the following example) 90: 1. In file ' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf', change '<VirtualHost *:80>' to '<VirtualHost *:90>' 2. In file /etc/apache2/ports.conf change 'Listen 80' to 'Listen 90' 3. Stop then re...
by sirockin
23 Oct 2019, 17:02
Forum: Software
Topic: Disable or redirect the default web interface
Replies: 7
Views: 19217

Re: Disable or redirect the default web interface

Thanks Dirk.

And if I want to still see the interface but on a different port. Is there a config file somewhere where I can change the port?
by sirockin
22 Oct 2019, 23:38
Forum: Software
Topic: Disable or redirect the default web interface
Replies: 7
Views: 19217

Disable or redirect the default web interface

I have my own web interface that I want to serve from my Rev Pi. How do I disable the default Web Interface, or better still, redirect it to another port?

by sirockin
22 Oct 2019, 23:35
Forum: Software
Topic: Large Image when backing up new RevPi Core 3+ Using RPIBoot and Win32 DiskImager
Replies: 3
Views: 4692

Re: Large Image when backing up new RevPi Core 3+ Using RPIBoot and Win32 DiskImager

Thanks Dirk. So just to be clear, if I restore the Rev Pi from this image, the disk space utitlisation will be as before - 2.4GB?
by sirockin
22 Oct 2019, 16:12
Forum: Software
Topic: Large Image when backing up new RevPi Core 3+ Using RPIBoot and Win32 DiskImager
Replies: 3
Views: 4692

Large Image when backing up new RevPi Core 3+ Using RPIBoot and Win32 DiskImager

I’ve just received a new RevPi Connect+ (32GB) and have been trying to back up the installed image from my Windows 10 machine as described here: I was able to successfully run the RPIBoot and then the Win32 disk imager but the ...